WaBack® Access
By installing rat blockers in WaBack Access, the affected properties in Mörrum have effectively secured their sewer infrastructure against rat infestations without compromising the original functionality of the valve system. This newly implemented solution is expected to be both cost-efficient and long-lasting, further strengthening Karlshamn Energi's infrastructure.
With this solution, Karlshamn Energi can now reduce maintenance costs, as inspections and repairs are needed less frequently, saving both time and resources. Operational reliability is significantly improved, as the WaBack valves function optimally without being damaged by rats. Reduced wear and tear also extend the lifespan of the valves and seals, further decreasing the need for maintenance and replacements.
In summary, the installation of both the WaBack backflow valve and the rat blocker has resulted in a robust and efficient solution that ensures the protection of the affected properties' sewer systems for the future.
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