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WaStop aids in the prevention of outbreaks of E. coli in potable water

Everöd Municipality, Sweden| Everöd, Southern Sweden| Pests & Odors

The problem

On Tuesday, June 23, 2015 it was discovered that drinking water in Everöd, Southern Sweden seemed to be polluted. The municipality immediately warned recipients to boil drinking water.


The probable cause was thought to be contaminated stormwater that had seeped into the water treatment plant in Everöd leading to contamination of the potable water.


The afternoon of September 1 saw the end of the boiling recommendation. The households in Everöd, Eastern Sönnarslöv and Huaröd had, at that stage, boiled their drinking water for 71 days.


The leading theory regarding the cause of the contamination was that a broken sewer line leaked into the storm water system. Heavy rain during midsummer weekend led to rainwater penetrating a conduit to a reservoir at Everöds waterworks and contaminated the drinking water. Other potential contamination points were also identified and remedied.


The changing climate conditions lead to more intensive rainfall events occurring more regularly which cause more flooding in both rivers and sewers. This wasn't accounted for when the waterworks were designed.


WaStop® Inline Check valve

Kristianstad municipality have installed WaStop check valves with rat stopper at the overflow outlets from the water treatment plants and water reservoirs.  This prevents potentially contaminated water from entering into the potable water process aiding in the prevention of gastroenteritis outbreaks. The rat stop is an extra insurance ensuing  pests don't get into the reservoir and perish spending diseases.

The installations in Kristianstad, the supplier of water to Everöd, installed WaStops in November. The installation was quick and easy. After installation of Wapro's innovative, simple and reliable valve Kristianstad can now be confident that their drinking water is protected in the best possible way.

For more information about how WaStop can be used to secure the waterworks / water reservoirs contact Wapro.

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Peter Olsson

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Peter Olsson
Säljchef Norden


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