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WaStop protects Charleston, South Carolina from flooding

Dunes Properties - West| Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, USA| Flood protection

The problem

Charleston, South Carolina, with a population of 91,000 has grown quickly over the past 10 years through planned development.

A newly developed area in Mt Pleasant, located near Charleston had however, been affected by weather-related stormwater flooding, rising sea levels on the Atlantic Ocean and seasonal king tides.

Residential properties, a golf course and green spaces developed as conservational landscaping, had been affected by the on-going flooding problem which lead to damage and rising costs.

With the next king tide event closing in the City searched for a better solution to replace the inefficient check valves installed on the stormwater outfalls to prevent imminent flooding.


WaStop® Inline Check valve

Dunes Properties engineering consultant Maglione Consulting, LLC reached out to Wapro to learn more about WaStop Inline Check Valve and more particularly its advantages such as low headloss given the relatively flat terrain. Also of interest was the other features such as effective backflow protection, pulsating flow, easy installation and low maintenance costs. 

Two WaStops, NPS 15” (DN370mm) and NPS 18” (DN450mm), were installed on the two stormwater outfalls that were previously impacted by backflow flooding. The installation was straight forward and time efficient and completed as planned in October 2020. After the king tide the Maglione Consulting concluded that the valves worked “fantastically”, and the WaStop valves met expectations.

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